Press Release from ACIM FRANCE. January 27, 2012:
2012 Political campaign:
propose that everyone of age suffering from an advanced level or terminal phase
of incurable illness, causing physical or psychological unbearable suffering no
one or nothing could apease, may request, under specific and strict conditions,
to benefit from medical assistance to end his life with dignity." François
Hollande (Socialist cantidate standing for french presidential election coming
this May 2012) January 25, 2012
1939 Hitler’s Authorization:
Reichsleiter Bouhler and Brandt MD are responsible for granting more authority
to certain physicians in order to release personally by death, persons within
the limits of Judgement human and as a result of a thorough medical
examination, have been declared incurable. " Signed Hitler. 1st September
1939. Add that Dr. Brandt was quoted as saying at his
trial at Nuremberg: "There is no doctor today who would not give to a
patient who suffers an anesthetic and that would make death easier ...."
These two texts, legalizing euthanasia, means exactly the same thing. Don't
forget that in both cases, physicians whose mission is to give care, are in
charge of giving death, and also that Mr. Holland will "propose",
just to decrease his responsibility. Also, apparently he has not heard of
palliative care.
The slide difference is given by the fact that Mr. Holland is ready to pass
the act of death provided that it is "required". But if the person
asks when she is not actually aware of the implications? This is the case of
depression, Down syndrome, the majority of mental illness, delirium, patients
with Alzheimer's, the old people slowly starting to lose the reason or the will
to live and so on. We note in passing that such requests are assisted suicide
as it is currently allowed in Holland, and tolerated in Switzerland. Anyway,
there will be doctors who agree to end the lives of their contemporaries when
they are not really aware of the nature of their request.
Dr. Brandt was sentenced to death August 20, 1947 and hanged the same day.
Translated from for ACIM-Asia by Marguerite-Marie Gerard
The Church's teaching on euthanasia
"If we
live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. So in life and
in death we belong to the Lord." (St Paul)
apostle is right to let us know. We believe we must repeat, while with deep
sorrow, we see beings deformed, or affected of hereditary diseases, as an
unwelcome burden to society, private sometimes in life, and this conduct is
exalted by some as if it were a new invention of human progress, quite
consistent with general utility. Or what man of the heart does not understand
that it s 'violently opposed not only the natural and divine law inscribed in
my heart for all, but also any sense of civilized man. The blood of these
beings, our Redeemer was more expensive precisely because they are more worthy
of commiseration, "cries from earth to God." (gen.4, 10)
(Encyclical Mysticicorpiris, 197, 29
June 1943)
human being, even children in the womb of his mother, has the right to life
received immediately from God, not parents, or in any human society or
authority. So there is no man, no human authority, no science, no
"indication" medical, eugenic, social, economic, legal person who can
show or give a valid legal title to have deliberately and directly an innocent
human life, that is to say by having to remove it, either for a purpose, either
as a means for a purpose, perhaps in itself, is not at all illegitimate.
"direct" a life "worthless" born or not yet born, practiced
a few years in large, can in no way be justified. Also, when this practice
began to spread, the Church formally declared that killing, even on the order
of public authority, who, being innocent, but because of their physical or
mental defects are not useful to the nation, and instead become a burden, is
contrary to natural law and positive divine and, therefore, forbidden. "
(Address to
the Congress of the Italian Catholic Union of Midwives, October 29, 1951)
Sacred Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith
right to life remains complete in an old, even very reduced; a terminally ill
did not lose." (Declaration of Quaestioabortu, 1974)
and nobody can be given that allow the death of innocent human being, fetus or
embryo, child or adult, old, terminally ill or dying. No one can ask for this
act of killing oneself or another says was his responsibility, nor even to
agree, explicitly or not. no authority can legitimately impose or authorize the
same. There are violations of divine law, offense to the dignity of the human
person, crime against life, and attack against humanity.
on Euthanasia Jure et Bona 1980)
John Paul II
conformity with the Magisterium of my Predecessors and in communion with the
bishops of the Catholic Church, I confirm that euthanasia is a grave violation
of God's law, as morally unacceptable deliberate killing of a human person. This
doctrine is founded on natural law and upon the word of God written and is
transmitted by the Church's Tradition and taught by the ordinary and universal
Magisterium. this practice involves, according to circumstances, the malice
proper to suicide and a homicide. "
Vitae, 1995)
I treat the secu ....... especially in getting rid of its parasites
Euthanasia in Belgium
does not "death box"-or in a side of fries might say? - Declared the
Belgian Order of Physicians, when marketing by 250 pharmacies "euthanasia
kits". These following the legalization of euthanasia in 2005 like the
Netherlands. Dr. Chantal Lefebvre, head of department of medicine at Louvain an
update for notebooks St Raphael.
Belgians organize their euthanasia: In late 2010, the number of forward
declaration of euthanasia records was 24,046. An article in Le Soir reported
that three quarters of these statements come from Flanders. From this
newspaper, "this procedure" is still poorly understood and binding.
Despite efforts by some municipalities, credit unions and some progressive
organizations, there is a real deficit of information, sorry the chairwoman of
the ADMD (Association for the Right to Die in Dignity).
the entry into force of the law on euthanasia, 48% of requests for euthanasia
were accordees.39% of doctors interviewed felt they had at least one request
for euthanasia, euthanasia After application, 10% patients have changed his
mind. The main reasons for these requests are psychiatric disorders and cancers
and non-existence of acute pain and incurable.
Euthanasia in
the figure for 2008 2009
fourth report of the federal panel on euthanasia, covering the years 2008 and
2009, was published recently. The commission says it does not have the
opportunity to evaluate the proportion of the number of euthanasia.
in the number of euthanasia declared in 2002:24, 2003: 235, in 2004: 349,
2005:393, 2006:429, 2007:495, 2008:704, and 2009:822
increase is continuing.
of euthanasia was performed in patients whose death was foreseeable near
future. 8% for neurological disorders. Euthanasia of 36 unconscious patients
were performed based on a forward declaration. 52% were carried to the home of
patients. By law, the patient must state aphysical or psychological suffering
constant and unbearable.
to a survey conducted by Professor Luc Deliens, about 917 people euthanized,
the majority is rather young, slightly more men than women, suffering from
terminal cancer in 93.4% of cases, no longer stand the physical pain. 6.6% of
patients with neuromuscular disease, the death should in principle not intervene
in the short term and they are suffering psychological unappeasable that
justifies the action.A minority of people aged over 80 years is concerned. The
study confirms that euthanasia is practiced more commonly in Flanders and
Wallonia. Belgian law provides that the doctor makes a call to the opinion of a
second practitioner. This condition is not always complied with.
after another study, 1.9% of total deaths occurring in Flanders in 2007 results
from a euthanasia. Moreover, the killings without the prior permission of the
patient represent 1.8% of deaths occurring in Flanders. This means that the
number of euthanasia practiced on demand is practically equivalent to the
number of killings without the prior permission of the patient.
Prospects and
Professor, professor of palliative care:
the creation of a clinic for euthanasia based on the Dutch model
for a reconsideration of public financing of hospitals refusing to perform
in a letter to the first current minister and a political debate on an open
social widening of the law on euthanasia:
the obligation to confirm every 5 years the declaration requesting euthanasia
does not happen to be
declaration must be made by patients with central nervous system tumor or
Alzheimer's disease for example.
is not normal that the patient seeking euthanasia, to find another doctor if
the doctor refuses his request.
are not sufficient to evoke the Alzheimer brain tumors and severe. Others want
to extend it to minors, the depressive and the handicapped.
lungs of a euthanized person are better quality for transplantation than those
levied on donors with brain death has been reported or those who died by cardiac
arrest. Several medicines have recently published the way they proceed for
these consecutive organ donation has a euthanasia. This was the case of four
others between 48 and 62 years, euthanasia between 2007 and 2009. They suffered
from a degenerative neurological disease or muscle, for three non-terminals,
and a mental disorder unbearable for the fourth. Donors are hospitalized
several hours before being euthanized. Euthanasia is done in a room and the
removal operation of the various organs in a room connected, samples taken 14
minutes after the act of euthanasia...
euthanasia of a couple...
couple age of Brabant has applied for and received, beginning in 2011, a double
euthanasia. The man,aged of 83 years, suffering from terminal cancer. His wife,
who was 78ans, suffering from various ailments related to his age in a quite
acute and it did not seem possible to continue to live without her partner. The
medicine that practice euthanasia is therefore outside the legal framework since
this woman was not the end of life. Is directed not there be not more, in
Belgium like the Netherlands, to the recognition of progressive degradation of
the quality of life as a justification for euthanasia?
Netherlands: ambulances death
Royal Dutch Medical Association has released new lines of interpretation of the
Act of 2002 which allows euthanasia to end the days of those who feel
unbearable pain. She now includes new items which are as follows. “Mentalailments and psycho-social as loss of
a function, loneliness, loss of autonomy".All this being considered as
acceptable criteria for euthanasia.More "social empowers shortages, financial resources or inadequate social
relationships," All this corresponds in practice to generalize
assisted suicide, legally based on "psychosocial factors without terminal
illness". These criteria are also already applied by many practitioners by
broadening the notion of suffering. The authors argue that "the disorders
affecting vision, hearing and mobility, falls, confinement to bed, fatigue,
exhaustion and loss of form (fitness) ...". Or when "the patient
perceives as endless suffering, and that there is no meaning to her life,
although it is not directly in danger." this can be extended to all those
who have attacks of dementias or psychological problems. Practically everybody.
This is to get rid of all unwanted, of marginalized or vulnerable of all
people, have declared the defenders of life, adding that the culture of death
is voracious. Hitler would certainly hope so.
Pr Hugo van der Wedden, favorable euthanasia, note itself, an astonishing increase
in the number of euthanasia performed on patients presenting the beginnings of
dementia. People are fully aware euthanized on request, outside the conditions
laid down by law. These people, for example a beginner Alzheimer's disease, may
in no case justify a suffering and more, the company stands ready to support
them. But it is precisely this kind of shelved by the company, which in their
eyes justifies euthanasia. The professor made a point quite useless because it
is the community that drives patients to seek the fatal injection.
proof?Currently, the government has developed a system of euthanasia at home.
Six ambulances of death are already in action. They are called Lenvenseinde
(EOL). They act on call. Their main targets: patients which physicians refuse
to euthanize who want to die at home. The Foundation for a voluntary end of
life (NVVE) hopes to open a "clinical death". It will carry out the
euthanasia of all persons whose applications have not been anterior satisfied.
The service is free for paid by the association. There is controversy:
the association does not care whether those who suffer can not be relieved
addition, over 70 years, she accepted systematically those who are "tired
of living". But the Federation of Physicians, Royal Dutch Medical, is that
eventually exceed the limits. It considers that such decision is part of a
social, medical, or family it is necessary to know, rather than to kill
"all-out" without reflection or discernment.
Council on Human Rights reiterates the need to end the vision of the great age
feels like a disease, "an abnormal or pathological phenomenon." The
solution is certainly not euthanasia and offers an "active aging". It
should improve the quality of life for most ages taking care of their health,
their safety and to encourage them to participate in all sorts of activities.
this regard, the Holy See "urges scientists and physicians to focus research
on prevention (...) disease affecting the very elderly, never give in to the
temptation to resort to practices (... )Those are actually forms of euthanasia.
Law on euthanasia in Belgium
(Key excerpts)
Chapter 1:
General provisions
is meant by euthanasia act, practice by a third party, who has intentionally
ends the life of a person at the request of the latter.
Chapter 2:
Conditions and procedure
doctor who performs euthanasia commits no offense if it ensures that:
patient is major or minor emancipated, capable and aware at the time th
request is made voluntarily, carefully and repeatedly.
patient is in a hopeless medical condition and is a physical or psychological
suffering constant and unbearable that can be relieved and is caused by an
accidental condition or serious, incurable.
another independent physician as to the nature of serious and incurable
patient's request must be acted in writing by an adult of his choice who may
not have any material interest in the death of the patient.
Chapter 3:
forward declaration of
major or minor can be emancipated, or in case he could no longer express his
will, recorded in writing, in a statement, his will that a physician performs euthanasia
if the doctor finds:
is suffering from a serious injury or pathological and incurable
is unconscious
that this situation is irreversible.
patient's attending physician, the physician consults and members of the
healthcare team can not be designated as trusted individuals. It must be in
writing, drawn & in the presence of two major witnesses. The statement can
not be considered unless it has been established or confirmed within five years
before the beginning of the impossibility to express its will. The declaration
may be withdrawn or amended at any time.
Chapter 4: of
the declaration.
doctor who performs euthanasia shall, within 4 working days, the registration
document referred to in article 7 has the Federal Commission for monitoring and
evaluation referred to in article 6.
commission consists of 16 members, designated on the basis of their knowledge
and their experience in matters within the jurisdiction of the commission.
Eight members are doctors of medicine, which at least 4 teachers in a Belgian
university. 4 members are law professors, in a Belgian university, or lawyers.
4 members are from diverse loads of problematic patients with an incurable
commission shall consider the registration document duly complete. It is
pronounced within a period of two months.
by decision taken by a majority of 2/3, the Committee considers that the
conditions stipulated in this Act have not been complied with, it sends the
file to the prosecutor of the place of death of the patient.
Committee prepared for the Legislative Chambers, the first time in both the
entry into force of this Act, and, thereafter, every two years.
Chapter 6:
special provisions
physician is required to perform euthanasia.
other person is required to have participation to euthanasia.
the doctor refuses to consult perform euthanasia, it is required to timely
notify the patient or support person, specifying the reasons.
was held at the request of the patient, or person of trust, to communicate the
patient's medical record to the physician designated by him or by someone you
deceased person was a result of euthanasia in compliance with the conditions
imposed by this Act is deemed to have died a natural death with regard to the
execution of contracts to which it was party, including insurance contracts.
From euthanasia to infanticide
In February last, two specialists in
bioethics DrsGiubilini and Francesca Minerva (Australia) have published an
article justifying the murder of new-born children after birth and for several
weeks. The argument given was simple: "When
the circumstances justifying a request for abortion are still what we
call" after birth abortion "must be authorized". Cases are
known: economic burden represented by the child, unwanted pregnancy,
disability. Do not hesitate to kill these children in cold blood, because the
baby is not a person, has no intrinsic value and is not an end in itself.
persons propose to invent a new word than "postnatal abortion" rather than infanticide. They join the
famous Peter Singer of Princeton in Australia which considers the child after
birth until 6 months and has no consciousness of itself and it is not a human
being. It is possible to kill him if he wants to. He said before the age of two
years, the child has no moral status. "Killing
a child is not killing a person" he writes. Are time Dr. Watson, the
Nobel Prize for Medicine for his discovery of DNA, wrote in Paris magazine:” A child should not be
declared alive before the age of 3 days. This choice must be made by parents.
The physician must authorize the death of the child to prevent him misery or
suffering. This way of seeing is so rational and compassionate” It should
be noted that these are exactly the same terms that were used by Dr. Brandt
during the Nuremberg trials was about mass euthanasia of the handicapped. Dr.
Crick who Noble received the same time as Watson himself suggested that "every newborn child is declared human until
it has spent a number of genetic tests, and if they were weak, there was reason
to revoke the right to live.” It should be noted finally that the famous" partial-birth abortion "is
the American has come to the birth by the feet and trunk sometimes a child
living; the brain is empty by suction at the neck to reduce the size of the
head and allow extraction. This method used in late abortions was prohibited by
Bush in 2003 but it still exists in three states considering this restriction as
Poke in the
is obvious that climate is beginning to develop to effectively get rid of a
child with malformations same minor. The debate slips at the time of
resuscitation of children at birth. Normally at birth, we have 3 minutes to
resuscitate babies. Beyond, it's a case by case depending on the vital recovery
and also simply at the request of parents who want a certain relentlessness.
Continue or not continue it? And the most extraordinary is that indeed I had to
resuscitate a child beyond this limit: it is a date of Mines engineer.
The protocol of Groningen in the
Netherlands permits euthanasia of disabled children born premature and large. A
number of criteria are given for example that of unbearable suffering and the
agreement between the medical team and family. He would never have been applied
except that in some cases rare. Physicians prefer to use the "terminal
sedation" which consists in removing all products give consciousness and
pain until death.
it is always a difficult case to treat. Spina bifida is a malformation of the
lower back characterized by non-closure of the bones at this level. Appear when
we see the meninges. This serious malformation can be made with 80% of
neurological sequelae of varying severity. I remember a newborn child in such
conditions. The father had declared to me: "you will not let live" that. "My answer was:" Sir, I prepared a syringe. You poke in the
chest. Your child will die”. Of course the father refused the gesture. But
a child under such conditions can put 15 days to die if nothing is done. The
solution has also been found with honor by the department that the premature
has care of a newborn as inoperable. Inevitably he died of meningitis, as one
would relieve part of palliative care.
ignominious mentality
issue is serious if the child is a carrier of brain lesions patent. The
teachers Christian Dageville and the philosopher Marc Gassin then propose a
lethal injection they call "neo-natal
euthanasia exceptional lethal injection." Freedom to "transgress the prohibition of killing"
should be given to physicians in those cases where "the child and his family, an outcome preferable to its survival."
They do not however wish that harness this legislation come.
2000 the Ethics Committee approved the implementation of "stops living practices on disabled newborns
with spontaneous breathing." What M.Arduin, bioethicist of the diocese
of Toulon describes as a "French
exception" in the periodical La
Nef. He recalls with a connection that John Paul II in Evangelium Vitae strongly condemns "selective abortion"
child in the womb of their mother: "Such
a mentality is shameful because it claims to measure the value of human life
only within the parameters of "normality" paving the way to
legitimizing infanticide ".
in a silence that evil
conclusion is simple. Our company wants it back to the barbarism of Sparta who
got rid of handicapped children? The answer is increasingly "yes". In
the name of what?From a utilitarian moral and economic imperatives.
handicap is a nuisance and it is doing him a service than delete. Clearly, this
is the message of evangelical charity which collapses. What was the average in
our country to get the? This is obviously the law that says abortion Veil, a
child, one minute before being brought into the world, may be killed. There is
no reason than it is not even one minute after. And it is with a great sigh of
relief that the public is ready to accept the sustainability in the time of the
massacre of Saint innocent. Our Christian duty is to oppose such laws. Do nothing;
say nothing is a collaboration objective evil that we will have to account to
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